Church Update and Encouragement


Dear Church Family,
I wanted to share with an update and resource from our church member and past young adult English pastor, Dana Chau. I hope you continue to pray for his recovery!
Pastor Steve
Dear BACBC family,
I want to thank you for your notes and emails with encouragement and prayer over the past months. While the rehabilitation for my neck injury has been slow, you have reminded me that God can bring good out of even the bad. I believe one of the "good" is
One of my mentors has often said, "When we create something once that can be used for ministry over and over again, not limited by our availability, we have multiplied ministry!" is a website with an online course recently created and can be accessed anytime. This is my appreciation gift to you, BACBC family!  Enroll for free!
When you visit, you will find video lessons and reflection/discussion PDF downloads intended to help you grow:

  1. closer to God

  2. in the knowledge of Jesus

  3. in the ways of God, and

  4. better together.

And whether you use this online course in your self-study or your small group, you will be equipped to grow in God's grace.
During this Christmas season, we are reminded that GRACE could be summarized as God's Riches At Christ's Expense!
Grateful in Christ,
Dana is made possible with the help of Hannah Chau (video production), Esther Chau (reflection / discussion guide creation) and Virginia Yi (website design).
Please feel free to contact the church for any questions or prayer requests through


Missions Focus: Church Around the World, December 2020 Edition


Missions Focus: Chinese Christian Herald Crusades, local & global outreach