And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
Romans 10:15
BACBC WMLT (World Missions Leadership Team - Missions Committee) encourages people to look beyond themselves and to realize that we are a part of the larger community known as the world. From raising funds for earthquake, tsunami and hurricane victims, to joining up with Habitat for Humanity to build homes for the poor, to organizing groups to represent the hope of Christ through Short-Term Missions, our church seeks to minister and serve those in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.
Missions Education Fund (MEF) - There are opportunities to learn and be challenged in the area of missions through attending conferences (like Urbana Conference), workshops, and classes like Perspectives. The MEF was set up to help those with a financial need to be able to participate in these opportunities. If you are interested, email missions@bacbc.org for more information.
2024 Taiwan Short-Term Missions Sharing
Our Missionaries
David E.:
Conducts mental health seminars in universities
Timothy Training International
Trains pastors, coordinates US Bible Scholars, organizes seminars in Hong Kong, translates commentary
Chinese Bible Mission
CBM is an independent, non-denominational, church planting organization dedicated to reaching primarily Asian Americans for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dave and Peggy P:Theological education, leadership training, and lecturer.
Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry
Reaching out for Christ to Chinese through mass media.
Proclaim Christ to Chinese via television, radio and Internet.
Provide churches with DVD and CD as evangelistic tools.
Appropriate caring for viewers via telecare hotline, lead them to Christ and to local churches.
Tim and Tessa F.
Transforming societies and peoples through ministry, missions mobilization, training, and church planting movements among unreached peoples in our cities and beyond.
Chinese Christian Herald Crusades (CCHC)
Northern California
Gospel agency sharing God's love to the un-churched, providing services to Christians, churches, and other organizations. CCHC's Ministries include: Herald Oakland Community Gospel Center, Herald Monthly Newspaper, Herald Radio Program, Music Ministry, Community Service, Cancer Care, Vocational Training Center, Nursing Center, "Jesus Loves Chinatown - SF" Local Mission, Chinese Churches Directory, Holy Land Tours, and others.
Tom & Peggy L.
Church planting, organizer and coach of youth wrestling ministry program.
Brian & Faith J.
Coordinating short-term missions, orientating, and debriefing short term teams and individuals that come to Taiwan to serve with OMF International. Establishing campus ministry center and engaging in campus evangelism at local universities.
Silver Lining Foundation
Dedicated to improve the lives of impoverished children and their families by supporting their educational and daily needs, bringing joy and creating hope in their lives, and by teaching how to give back to the community.
Baptist Church Planters
Ministries to the hearing impaired.
Missio Dei Oakland
Creating a life-changing faith community for young people, families, and neighborhoods in the flats and foothills of East Oakland. Missio Dei Oakland is a House Church Network in the Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
Larry & Kathleen L.
Ministries to U.S. military families and locals in U.K. Ministries through evangelism, discipleship and leadership development.
Derek & Chelsea J.
Shasta, Siskiyous, Southern Oregon
Campus Ministry: Engaging in campus evangelism, cultivating student-led community, establishing dynamic small groups, and developing a new generation of leaders.

Rainbow Missions
Seeking to bring hope for a brighter future by providing people with disabilities in China with physical, mental and spiritual support and care.
Reaching the Chinese to Reach the World.
Foreign Missions, China Ministry, Home Missions, Literature Ministry.
CCM USA Gospel centers serving locals at:
San Francisco, Milpitas, Cupertino, Seattle, Hawaii, and Houston.
F. and K.
Outreach to Southwestern Asians
C and R L.
SIL East Asia Group: Recruiting and caring for those called to work among people groups who don't have the Bible in their language yet. Praying for them as they seek out faithful servants and build relationships with them.
Matthew Hayashida
Servant Partners
Highlights from our OMF Missionaries: Brian & Faith Janssen (Abby & Nathan):
The last two updates from the Janssens have highlighted the challenges they’ve faced and adjustments they’ve been making since last summer 2024.