Church Update and Encouragement


Dear Church Family,
On Sunday night, about 140 brothers and sisters in Christ from different evangelical churches in the Bay Area joined together in prayer for our nation, a nation in crises on many fronts.
The "Church" faced a crisis in Acts 12:1-5 and their first response and our response should be prayer.

"So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church."

 BACBC church family, our hope is not in any political party or politician: our only hope and ultimate King is Jesus. I would invite you to pray for at least the following topics before the inauguration:
Peaceful transition of power

  • For the new administration

  • Peace and safety at all 50 state capitols

  • Wisdom for all branches and levels of government (federal, state, county, city)

Wisdom and safety for civil service personnel

  • E.g. Highway patrol, sheriff; US post office, fire departments, FBI, law enforcement, as examples

Unity and revival within the church

  • Leaders and members

  • Across the body of Christ

In Christ,
Pastor Steve
Thank you for your participation in the Encourage our Educators project. About $2,300 has been received in cash gifts and several have purchased items on the Amazon wish list. The project will conclude at the end of January!
Click here for more details. 
Please feel free to contact the church for any questions or prayer requests through


Missions Focus: Christine Okimura, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo


Missions Focus: Becoming What God Intended, Dr. David Eckman