Church Update and Encouragement


Dear Church Family,

Paul encouraged Timothy to pray for the needs of all people:

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,…" 1 Timothy 2:1

These words remind us of the importance of praying specific requests for others:
First: first in importance or sequence
Supplications: specific requests or needs
Prayers: petitioning God
Intercessions: praying on behalf of others
Thanksgivings: gratitude for others
Sadly, we are amid another COVID-19 surge. We all need each other's prayers. However, I would like to ask you to pray for one group of frontline workers under tremendous stress (again). Harvard Medical School wrote this article at the beginning of the pandemic, detailing some of the pressures upon our medical personnel. I have copied them here:

  • the fear and uncertainty of a heightened risk of infection

  • worry that they may carry COVID-19 home and infect loved ones

  • a dwindling or already inadequate supply of PPE needed to minimize the risk of infection

  • ever-changing recommendations from local leadership, medical and public health experts, and political leaders

  • unusually high and increasing demands to work longer hours as their colleagues become sick or are quarantined

  • balancing their commitment to help others (which likely led them to their current profession in the first place) with an understandable commitment to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Please join me in intercessory prayer for the specific needs of these frontline workers.
In addition to prayer, if you know of medical personnel, give them a word of thanks and let them know they are in your prayers.
In Christ,
Pastor Steve
Please feel free to contact the church for any questions or prayer requests through


Missions Focus: BACBC Missionaries, Part 1


Missions Focus: Church Around the World, December 2020 Edition