Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Missio Dei Oakland (MDO East Bay, LA), Pastor Alex Schweng

MDO’s vision is “to serve the urban poor, exalt Jesus Christ, and see His kingdom shine in the brokenness of our world.”

God wants to change you as much as He wants to change the people you're trying to serve. All of this is about formation, becoming like Christ. And God can't do deep things in our lives without us giving him time in one place.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Chinese Christian Mission (CCM Local, World-wide)

We specifically support our local CCM Gospel Outreach Center in San Leandro! (SLGC) If you have any friends who are more comfortable in the Chinese language you can help direct them to this center. If you are interested in more information or volunteering, please contact Sandra Fung.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: SIL International (US, Asia) - Bible Translation

Our friends continue their work in member care and recruitment of translators and workers. In April and May, they traveled for 3-weeks to Tennessee, Ohio, Ontario and Vancouver, Canada to minister to 30 individuals, mostly colleagues and in some cases their spouses, friends, and parents.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Rainbow Missions International (RM China, Asia)

Rainbow Missions focuses on supporting children with autism, blindness, and cerebral palsy as well as their families. Their mission statement includes the following: “We are driven by the example of Jesus Christ who loved and gave help to people with disabilities in His era. We seek to bring hope for a brighter future by providing them with physical, mental and spiritual support and care.”

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Overseas Missionary Fellowship International(OMF SE Asia)

This family has been in their current city since September 2023. They continue to integrate into their new community and cultivate relationships with their neighbors and others who the Father puts in their path. Pray for their boldness to speak the Father’s truth when prompted by the Holy Spirit.

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