Church Update and Encouragement


Dear Church Family,

We will be visiting our grandchildren in the near future. Both of them are growing so fast. Physical growth is normal for children, and spiritual growth is normal for God’s children!

The Apostle Peter encourages us to grow spiritually with the goal to glorify Jesus, whom someday we will be with forever:

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity." 2 Peter 3:18

Someone has said the Christian life is like riding a bicycle: “Unless you keep moving, you fall off!” We must continue to grow in our experience of Jesus’ grace and apply His living Word.

At the bottom of this email, I would like to share with you some resources we have available on Sunday mornings in Mandarin, Cantonese, or English; for all ages of adults (college through retired); and for all levels of spiritual maturity. Please contact the leader or pastor of the congregation if you need more information!


Pastor Steve

Please feel free to contact the church for any questions or prayer requests through

Sunday Growth Resources


Starting at 11:15 am – 12:30 pm

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Starting at 9 am

GEMS (Women): 38-40 women meet each week with ages ranging from early 20s to those of us in our 70s. We will start a book series on Sept 13, The Red Sea Rules. It is a 10-week series and fits well as a support and encouragement.

Contact: Linda Sugimura (

EXPLORERS (Co-Ed): Excellent teaching and discussion in the gospel of Luke.

Contact: Gary Louie (


July to September 2020


  1. 信徒栽培課程: 查經「路加福音」

    Discipleship Class

    Bible Study: Gospel of Luke

    Contact: Brenda Leung

  2. 信徒栽培課程: 查經「路加福音」

    Cantonese Joyful Life Class

    Bible Study: Book of Esther

    Contact: Esther Wai

  3. 聖經信息查經班: 查經「約翰福音」

    CBSC-Cal Bible Study

    Bible Study: Gospel of John

    Contact: Kam Tsui

  4. 信徒根基班﹕查經「列王紀上」

    Cantonese Christian Foundation

    Bible Study: I Kings

    Contact: Jim Ip

  5. 屬靈溫習班﹕查經「箴言」

    Cantonese Christian Growth Class

    Bible Study: Proverbs

    Contact: Jim Ip

  6. 靈命進深班: 阿摩司書: 「耶和華的吼叫」

    Go Deeper Spiritually Sunday School Class

    Bible Study: Book of Amos

    Contact: Pastor Au

  7. 靈命扎根班:信徒栽培課程:「路加福音」

    Take Root Spiritually Sunday School Class

    Bible Study: Gospel of Luke

    Contact: Sherren Tam

  8. 爸媽加油站: 課程:「舊約研讀,每課一篇」祈禱

    Cantonese Parents

    Bible Study: Old Testament & Prayer

    Contact: Wendy Hui


Mission Focus: James & Sandy Spellman, Ministry to Deaf


Church Update and Encouragement