Missions Updates & News
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- Amelia Sun 1
- Ashley Bauer-Yuen 2
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- Brian & Faith Janssen 6
- Building Futures 1
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- Chinese Christian Herald Crusades 1
- Chinese Christian Mission 9
- Chinese Christian Missions 1
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- Dr. David Eckman 6
- Dr. David Pardini 1
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- Matthew Hayashida 1
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Missions Focus: Becoming What God Intended Ministries (BWGI US, World)
With the eruption of COVID around the world, Dr. David Eckman and team quickly found themselves on the Internet doing distance education. All their courses were recorded and translated to Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.
Missions Focus: Becoming What God Intended, Dr. David Eckman
These updates remind us that the church or its ministries are not confined to walls or buildings. In the past several months, BWGI has ministered in Uganda, Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and 12 states within the USA in three different languages.
Missions Focus: BWGI (Becoming What God Intended) - Dr. David Eckman
Get to know the missionaries that BACBC supports through our Great Commission Fund. For over 40 years, our seminars, books, and online Bible studies based on the life work of Dr. David Eckman have helped tens of thousands of believers around the world experience the healthy spiritual, emotional, and relational life that God intends for you.