Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Church Update and Encouragement

A few days ago, smoke from the western U.S. had turned skies shocking shades of bright red and orange. Photos and videos of the hazy sky looked apocalyptic. According to NASA, the color-changing skies were a result of smoke particles, which blocked certain wavelength colors—such as blue, yellow, and green—from the sun.

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Virginia Yi Virginia Yi

Church Update and Encouragement

During this pandemic, there is a common question: “God is all-powerful and all-loving, so why doesn’t He stop this coronavirus?” As followers of Christ, how would we respond to this kind of argument?

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Virginia Yi Virginia Yi

Church Update and Encouragement

How can we stay happy and not gloomy? Paul set himself as an example: he was able to keep on rejoicing whether he was in prison or in palace, in prosperity or in adversity, in good health or in sickness. “Take it to the Lord in prayer” is his key teaching.

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