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Missions Focus: joyful noise Xpress (jnX Us, Asia, Canada)
Led by Pastor Anthony Chan, jnX’s theme for 2024 has been “Submission”. At their annual worship meeting in March, jnX challenged the 200+ attendees to take a deep look at their personal walk with God and to commit to a life of submission.
Missions Focus: Joyful Noise Xpress (jnX US, Asia, Canada)
joyful noise Xpress (jnX) – Led by Pastor Anthony Chan, jnX is starting its 23rd year of ministry. This past fall (2023), jnX conducted eight training sessions for four churches in the Bay Area and Sacramento. These sessions covered sound mixing, group vocal blending, and worship team dynamics. The goal is to teach those serving in worship ministry to embrace worship as a way of life.
Missions Focus: Joyful noise Xpress (jnX) - Outreach and training through Worship Ministry, USA & Asian Countries
Led by Pastor Anthony Chan, the jnX team served at the “Trust is the Answer” worship meeting in March. Their sharing of personal struggles, experiences, and journeys regarding coming to fully trusting God deeply touched and encouraged those in attendance.
Missions Focus: Joyful noise Xpress (jnx)
Led by Pastor Anthony Chan, jnX served 5 churches in the Bay Area (including BACBC Alameda) in the first half of the year. Their ministry included preaching and leading worship in Sunday Services, sharing testimonies at church fellowship events, and conducting worship training workshops that covered both heart and technical issues.
Missions Focus: joyful noise Xpress (jnX)
This newer missions organization BACBC supports celebrated their 21st anniversary in June. BACBC began supporting jnX in November 2021 but they have partnered with our Cantonese Department for Worship Outreach events and other ministry opportunities over the years.
Missions Focus: New Ministry Organization to BACBC: Joyful Noise Xpress, Anthony & Isabella Chan
joyful noise Xpress (jnX) is a missions organization. They use worship and music training to help believers cultivate a worshipful life that is pleasing to God.