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Missions Focus: OMF – Taiwan, Janssen Family
Brian and Faith Janssen continue their ministry to university students through on-campus activities as well as hosting events at their Gospel Center. Due to the political and economic situation in Taiwan, many students are experiencing mental health issues as they face the future and are looking for a safe community where they can share and find a place to belong.
Missions Focus: SAVE the DATE & Overseas Missionary Fellowship International (OMF Taiwan)
Save the Date: August 11, 2024 from 12:45 – 3:00 PM
“Sharing God’s Blessings!” reports and praises from the Taiwan Short-Term Mission Team. Hear how God worked at the Linkou & Wanhua English Camps. Lunch provided – signup details are coming
-continue to pray for the team as they finish up their ministry in Taiwan this week
-pray for safe travels back to the US when their time away is completed
Brian and Faith Janssen continue their ministry to university students and share the following.
Missions: OMF – GCM Prayer“Christian Education”
In order to understand the suicide problem among the elderly in rural China and to explore solutions, a group of urban Christians set off after the new year's celebrations to a rural area near two provinces. They rented village houses, and visited and served the widowed or lonely elderly in the local surrounding areas. The outcome?
Missions: OMF – GCM Prayer“The Elderly and the Church”
In order to understand the suicide problem among the elderly in rural China and to explore solutions, a group of urban Christians set off after the new year's celebrations to a rural area near two provinces. They rented village houses, and visited and served the widowed or lonely elderly in the local surrounding areas. The outcome?
Missions Focus: OMF - GCM May Newletter
Did you know that May 4 is "Young Adult Day" in China? Psalm 143:8 says, "Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." ESV. While Chinese young adults have been taught atheism since the 1950s
Missions Focus: OMF (D and J)
D&J have now spent a year in their new country. Language learning is challenging but going well. They have taken three vision trips to help them determine where to serve after training and are currently finalizing their decision.