Missions Updates & News
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- Amelia Sun 1
- Ashley Bauer-Yuen 2
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- Chinese Christian Missions 1
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- Dr. David Pardini 1
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- Matt and Ashley Yuen 2
- Matthew Hayashida 1
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- Missio Dei Oakland 7
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- Missions 234
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- National Adoption Awareness 1
Church Update and Encouragement
Are you counting how many days since the government’s shelter-at-home order? When our activity is limited mostly at home, we no longer feel that we are free and relaxed. Suddenly we find that we lost the freedom of traveling, visiting others, gathering for worship, or being with friends.
Church Update and Encouragement
How can we stay happy and not gloomy? Paul set himself as an example: he was able to keep on rejoicing whether he was in prison or in palace, in prosperity or in adversity, in good health or in sickness. “Take it to the Lord in prayer” is his key teaching.
Missions Focus: Matt and Ashley Yuen, Intervarsity
Matt & Ashley were married last week in a special ceremony with friends and family in attendance through online media. (Perfect for Matt who works for IV in the video department). Their prayer requests: With college ministry looking different, prayer would be really appreciated as they have a heart to reach out, encourage, disciple, walk with college students and this will be more challenging especially to invite new students.