Missions Updates & News
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- Amelia Sun 1
- Ashley Bauer-Yuen 2
- BACBC Compassion Fund 1
- BACBC Missionaries 2
- BWGI 3
- Bay Area 1
- Brian & Faith Janssen 6
- Building Futures 1
- Chinese Bible Missions 10
- Chinese Christian Herald Crusades 1
- Chinese Christian Mission 10
- Chinese Christian Missions 1
- Christine Okimura 1
- Christmas Offering 1
- Church Around the World 27
- City Light Bible Church 1
- Dave and Peggy Pardini 1
- Derek and Chelsea Jung 12
- Dr. David Eckman 6
- Dr. David Pardini 1
- Elijah Ren 2
- F&K 4
- Foster the Bay 1
- Foster the City 3
- Friends of India Network 2
- Global Gates 7
- International Linguistics Center 1
- J&D 7
- Jim & Sandy Spellman 3
- Johnny Yue 3
- Jonathan Chan 1
- Joyful Noise Xpress 6
- Kingdom Rice 7
- Larry & Kathleen Leach 7
- Lillian L 1
- Lillian Louie 1
- Local Ministry 2
- Local Opportunities 1
- Matt Hayashida 3
- Matt and Ashley Yuen 2
- Matthew Hayashida 1
- Ministry Opportunities 2
- Ministry to Deaf 2
- Missio Dei Oakland 7
- Missionary Fathers 1
- Missions 234
- Missions Report 1
- Missions Team 2
- National Adoption Awareness 1
Missions Focus: Becoming What God Intended, Dr. David Eckman
Just because travel has been difficult to do the last year doesn't mean that ministry stops! Becoming What God Intended has been busy re-working and improving their ways to communicate and the quality of resources including seminars available.
Missions Focus: Rainbow Missions, Asia
This year Rainbow Missions (RM) is celebrating its 15th year of serving in Asia. They will be holding a drive-in event in August to thank God for His faithfulness.
Missions Focus: Church Around the World, July 2021
Significant news for Christians this month - Country: Uruguay. This South American country is between Brazil and Argentina. While it is the most secular state in South America, spirituality is increasing and many are discovering that a spiritual dimension has been missing in their lives.
Missions Focus: Matt & Ashley Bauer-Yuen, InterVarsity
Each month, we want to highlight one of the missionaries that BACBC supports. Matt Yuen grew up at BACBC and after graduating from Chico State, he followed God's leading to serve with InterVarsity.
Missions Focus: Tom & Penny Latham, Brazil
Baptist World Mission (Brazil) – For part of the last six months, Tom and Penny Latham have had to do their church services on Facebook because of COVID-19. Then the ban was lifted and they now can have up to 30 in a meeting.
Missions Focus: Timothy Training International, Global
2020 was their most productive year in their 20-year history. Nineteen online courses were launched through their robust online learning management system. Student enrollments were three times more than 2019’s.