Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Joyful noise Xpress (jnx)

Led by Pastor Anthony Chan, jnX served 5 churches in the Bay Area (including BACBC Alameda) in the first half of the year. Their ministry included preaching and leading worship in Sunday Services, sharing testimonies at church fellowship events, and conducting worship training workshops that covered both heart and technical issues.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Chinese Bible Mission (CBM Asia plus US domestic ministries)

CBM hosted a children’s day camp during the Chinese New Year break in Taiwan. It was a great experience for both the volunteers from the church and the local children. One camper who was invited by a classmate whose family attends their church plant was noticeably hostile to the Christian message at first. By the end of the camp, she had softened her demeanor and she and her sister even visited Sunday School a few weeks after the camp.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: BACBC Foster the City Advocate Team

In Alameda County, we have approximately 1200 children in our foster care system, - 228 of them are sent out of our county because there are not enough foster homes each year--away from their homes, relatives, schools.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Church Around the World

This month's newsletter has these prayer prompts: "Thank you, Lord, for Pastor Andimi. Like Isaac, his obedience and trust were larger than his fear and he chose faithfulness no matter the cost. Bless the families of all martyred Christian pastors.

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