Missions Updates & News
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- Amelia Sun 1
- Ashley Bauer-Yuen 2
- BACBC Compassion Fund 1
- BACBC Missionaries 2
- BWGI 3
- Bay Area 1
- Brian & Faith Janssen 6
- Building Futures 1
- Chinese Bible Missions 10
- Chinese Christian Herald Crusades 1
- Chinese Christian Mission 9
- Chinese Christian Missions 1
- Christine Okimura 1
- Christmas Offering 1
- Church Around the World 27
- City Light Bible Church 1
- Dave and Peggy Pardini 1
- Derek and Chelsea Jung 12
- Dr. David Eckman 6
- Dr. David Pardini 1
- Elijah Ren 2
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- Foster the City 3
- Friends of India Network 2
- Global Gates 7
- International Linguistics Center 1
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- Jim & Sandy Spellman 3
- Johnny Yue 3
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- Joyful Noise Xpress 6
- Kingdom Rice 7
- Larry & Kathleen Leach 7
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- Lillian Louie 1
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- Matt Hayashida 3
- Matt and Ashley Yuen 2
- Matthew Hayashida 1
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- Missio Dei Oakland 6
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- Missions 229
- Missions Report 1
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- National Adoption Awareness 1
Missions Focus: Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) (D & J - creative access community)
After 18 months in their new country, J and D moved to their new city in mid- September. They have found adequate housing, their new neighbors have been welcoming and helpful, and they have been well received and are slowly being incorporated into their new community.
Missions Focus: Kingdom Rice (Pastor Steve Hong, Bay Area and Beyond)
Here in San Francisco, music has played a huge role in helping to invite and move people closer to the Spirit’s mission. For years before his passing, my college friend Brent Tanamachi modeled this for me. Wherever we played, be it at the Ferry Building, the subway station, various parks, or even Starbucks, Brent made space for people to participate and sing with us.
Missions Focus: SAVE the DATE & Overseas Missionary Fellowship International (OMF Taiwan)
Save the Date: August 11, 2024 from 12:45 – 3:00 PM
“Sharing God’s Blessings!” reports and praises from the Taiwan Short-Term Mission Team. Hear how God worked at the Linkou & Wanhua English Camps. Lunch provided – signup details are coming
-continue to pray for the team as they finish up their ministry in Taiwan this week
-pray for safe travels back to the US when their time away is completed
Brian and Faith Janssen continue their ministry to university students and share the following.
Missions Focus: Joyful Noise Xpress (jnX US, Asia, Canada)
joyful noise Xpress (jnX) – Led by Pastor Anthony Chan, jnX is starting its 23rd year of ministry. This past fall (2023), jnX conducted eight training sessions for four churches in the Bay Area and Sacramento. These sessions covered sound mixing, group vocal blending, and worship team dynamics. The goal is to teach those serving in worship ministry to embrace worship as a way of life.
Missions Focus: INDIA, Friends of India Network (FIN)
Friends of India Network (FIN) is planning a Vision Trip to witness firsthand how God is working today in rural India, a country that has traditionally been hostile to the Gospel. Praise God that many are coming to faith and putting their trust in the God of the Bible.
Missions Focus: Taiwan Update and Commissioning 2
The STM team is finalizing its preparations for serving 140 1st -6th graders at the CBM English Day Camps in Linkou and Wanhua. Our team members range from elementary age to senior adults and represent all of our congregations.