Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: OMF – Taiwan, Janssen Family

Brian and Faith Janssen continue their ministry to university students through on-campus activities as well as hosting events at their Gospel Center. Due to the political and economic situation in Taiwan, many students are experiencing mental health issues as they face the future and are looking for a safe community where they can share and find a place to belong.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Timothy Training Institute

In February, Rev. Janson Chan visited the Bay Area and had various opportunities to provide an update on TTI’s ministry. At BACBC, he shared at worship services and conducted an in-person information session as well as two online sessions.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Missio Dei Oakland (MDO East Bay, LA) + India Reminder

The Friends of India trip ended this week and participants faced travel times to return to the US from 20 to nearly 40 hours. Then, because of the unusual time difference (12.5 hours ahead), jet lag.

Pastor Alex Schweng and MDO’s vision is “to serve the urban poor, exalt Jesus Christ, and see His kingdom shine in the brokenness of our world”.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Pioneers (Ethiopia) + India Reminder

Frank & Karren F left for Ethiopia, their new mission field in August. When they arrived at the airport in Addis Ababa, they hoped (and prayed) to receive a 3-month visitor visa (not a 1-month one) which can then be extended for another 3 months.

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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Silver Lining Mission (China, Asia) + India Reminder

As mentioned before, Friends of India are hosting a trip to take interested believers to India to see the needs there and experience a different culture. The group is scheduled to leave October 21. BACBC has two members who are joining the trip.

Silver Lining Missions (China, Asia) – Their mission is to serve underprivileged and disabled children and their families through various centers in Asia. Here are two examples of what takes place at their centers.

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