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- Chinese Christian Missions 1
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Missions: BACBC Combined Worship
Due to our members’ meeting and our combined worship focused on 2023-24 Goals and Vision for our ministry, we leave you with the key point for this week’s messages as well as our reminder to church members to read through this Missions Report in the members’ packet.
Missions: Community Service Opportunities (Missions Report, July 2023)
Community Service – Coastline Christian Schools (CCS) Middle Schoolers participated in service projects during Spring Break April 10-14. Project Peace continues to offer opportunities for East Bay churches to serve their communities. Work days were on March 11 and June 24 with the next one is scheduled for August 19.
Missions: Annual Members’ Missions Report, July 2023
It is hoped that each member will take time to prayerfully read through the missions report in the members' packet and will consider their part in our Great Commission Fund so the funds may be used to expand God's kingdom and encourage Christian workers throughout the world.
Missions: Tom Latham, Brazil, South America
In addition to preaching, Tom Latham is committed to friendship evangelism. He believes that it is the most successful form of soul winning they have ever used. Over the past 20 plus years, they have been using wrestling as an evangelistic outreach to public school students and their parents. They now finally are seeing the results they have been praying for. They thank God that through programs that include wrestling, puppets and mime dramas, many have come to Christ and some have been baptized.
Missions: Kingdom Rice, Steve Hong
Steve is leading a Lenses Course this summer. To find out more about this class and be on his email list so you can hear about the latest activities and ministries of Kingdom Rice and the next time this class is offered, contact him at Steve.Hong@kingdomrice.org.
Missions: OMF – GCM Prayer“Christian Education”
In order to understand the suicide problem among the elderly in rural China and to explore solutions, a group of urban Christians set off after the new year's celebrations to a rural area near two provinces. They rented village houses, and visited and served the widowed or lonely elderly in the local surrounding areas. The outcome?