Missions Updates & News
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- Amelia Sun 1
- Ashley Bauer-Yuen 2
- BACBC Compassion Fund 1
- BACBC Missionaries 2
- BWGI 3
- Bay Area 1
- Brian & Faith Janssen 6
- Building Futures 1
- Chinese Bible Missions 10
- Chinese Christian Herald Crusades 1
- Chinese Christian Mission 9
- Chinese Christian Missions 1
- Christine Okimura 1
- Christmas Offering 1
- Church Around the World 27
- City Light Bible Church 1
- Dave and Peggy Pardini 1
- Derek and Chelsea Jung 12
- Dr. David Eckman 6
- Dr. David Pardini 1
- Elijah Ren 2
- F&K 4
- Foster the Bay 1
- Foster the City 3
- Friends of India Network 2
- Global Gates 7
- International Linguistics Center 1
- J&D 7
- Jim & Sandy Spellman 3
- Johnny Yue 3
- Jonathan Chan 1
- Joyful Noise Xpress 6
- Kingdom Rice 7
- Larry & Kathleen Leach 7
- Lillian L 1
- Lillian Louie 1
- Local Ministry 2
- Local Opportunities 1
- Matt Hayashida 3
- Matt and Ashley Yuen 2
- Matthew Hayashida 1
- Ministry Opportunities 2
- Ministry to Deaf 2
- Missio Dei Oakland 6
- Missionary Fathers 1
- Missions 229
- Missions Report 1
- Missions Team 2
- National Adoption Awareness 1
Missions Focus: Chinese Bible Mission (CBM, local, global, Asia)
Praise God for approximately 50 Short-Term Missionaries (STMs) from the States and 20 Youth Staff in Taiwan who served elementary age students at English Day camps in two cities 18 km (11 miles) away from each other in Linkou and Wanhua. We are thankful for God’s provision that allowed us to add a camp in Wanhua to serve underprivileged families and orphans.
Missions Focus: Servant Partners - Southern California, Matt Hayashida
For this year’s February Missions focus, Matt Hayashida was the speaker for our Combined English Service. He is a staff member at Hope Community Church in East Los Angeles with a focus on youth ministry and discipleship.
Missions Focus: OMF – Taiwan, Janssen Family
Brian and Faith Janssen continue their ministry to university students through on-campus activities as well as hosting events at their Gospel Center. Due to the political and economic situation in Taiwan, many students are experiencing mental health issues as they face the future and are looking for a safe community where they can share and find a place to belong.
Missions Focus: Timothy Training Institute
In February, Rev. Janson Chan visited the Bay Area and had various opportunities to provide an update on TTI’s ministry. At BACBC, he shared at worship services and conducted an in-person information session as well as two online sessions.
Missions Focus: Missio Dei Oakland (MDO East Bay, LA) + India Reminder
The Friends of India trip ended this week and participants faced travel times to return to the US from 20 to nearly 40 hours. Then, because of the unusual time difference (12.5 hours ahead), jet lag.
Pastor Alex Schweng and MDO’s vision is “to serve the urban poor, exalt Jesus Christ, and see His kingdom shine in the brokenness of our world”.
Missions Focus: Pioneers (Ethiopia) + India Reminder
Frank & Karren F left for Ethiopia, their new mission field in August. When they arrived at the airport in Addis Ababa, they hoped (and prayed) to receive a 3-month visitor visa (not a 1-month one) which can then be extended for another 3 months.